Does anyone else fill like they have every blessing they could possibly hope for or imagine...good health, perfect kids, nice home, beautiful yard,and feel such joy inside? Then in creeps the deceiver telling us we have nothing and in just a second we become ungrateful thinking of all we lack. Maybe some great talent someone else has. On top of that I sometimes lack the faith in myself that God can bless my ordinariness with greatness.
Then voila I was reading in John 6 and heard some comments from a BYU professor and learned (again) things I knew and needed to be reminded of. When Jesus fed the 5,000 (actually it was much more than that since that's just the men) from 5 loaves and 2 fishes. He teaches us in those short verses that WHATEVER WE LACK HE HAS,WHATEVER WE NEED HE CAN CREATE. HE CAN TAKE SOMETHING SMALL AND MAKE GREAT. HE GIVES US POWER BEYOND OUR OWN.
Then the next verse is the key to that power when it says Jesus gave THANKS. He gave thanks for something I would complain about not just that there was not enough food for all the people 2 fishes, but 2 small fishes, not just 5 loaves of bread but barley the grain used by poor people.Yet he gave thanks for the little food he had and THEN the miracle occurred.
(The last small observation is the small lad who brought the tiny offering of food. Our service may seem small in our eyes but we never know when just a smile to someone at church, a kind word can change someones life.I know it has mine.)