Others that risked the breakfast felt it was necessary to exercise by playing tennis. And play we did, for TWO hours. If you weren't aware tennis apparently is the "it" thing in our family now thanks to Lexi and PK. Everyone had a fun time playing and Daniel and Tanner were caught in a fierce two hour battle. Little side joke that I feel is appropriate at this time.
Dad: Lexi likes tennis so much she was watching Wimbledon when I left this morning.
Cass: Who is Wimbledon?
Tanner: Did she just?
Me: Yes
If you don't get this joke, like a surprising amount of people (including Lexi), ask the next person you see what the Wimbledon is.. not who.
After enduring, I mean enjoying, tennis we got to play sand volleyball! My team won all three times. Less you begin to think that it was because of me we won I'll let you in on a secret. Parker was on my team. We all know there is no way anyone can lose with him on your team. Try it. I dare you. Daniel wanted vengeance, but every demanded rematch his team would lose. Just swap your little wifey for PK, Daniel and you'll be good to go.
On Monday we had fun blowing up fireworks. Parker put army men on all the rockets to see what would happen when they were lit, while I was a mature twenty year old and threw snaps at Tanner's head, laughing in delight each time one exploded, and Lexi danced around in smoke coming from the smoke bombs. Keep in mind when looking at these pictures, we get weird when fire is involved.
In other news, TDF has begun, meaning dad is glued to the TV for the next three weeks. If you don't know what the acronym TDF stands for, don't worry you weren't the only one. I'll give you a hint. It occurs once a year and involves bikes. Speaking of obsessions, mom believes that Glenn Beck is her secret boyfriend. In more meaningful news Lexi was really brave this past week and gave her friend, Jordan, a Book of Mormon with her testimony written inside. She is a great example to the rest of us. Hopefully we can all take the challenge to preach the gospel. You'll have to call her and have her tell you what she wrote.
Once again, Kels, you had us with stitches in our sides from laughing so hard. Makana's exact quote while reading this with me..."Ahhh poor Cass..."
Oh and I've always had my suspicions about Mom, glad to have them confirmed.
Ok you have Officially made it onto my "must do" list of reading whenever you post. Please oh please post seven times day. You really have a talent and make me laugh. There are some great freelance jobs in writing Kels!
It looks like that everyone had a fun 4th.
Way to go Lexi! You have always been a great example.
And lest I forget, super cute swimsuits.
And lastly, I would have beat you all at sand volleyball. You better be glad I wasn't there. ..
I have a friend named Wimbledon too... That was great Kelsi, I love your posts, the funny thing is I can picture all of this in my head as you're saying it.
I'm glad i'm the one who gets made fun of. I'm really not that blonde i promise. and I'm great at volleyball i taught parker everything lol:) kels you crack me up maybe you can teach me a few things!
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